Getting Started
This is my first post, so here I’ll try to set out some of what I’m hoping to achieve with the blog (to the extent I’m trying to achieve anything).
Firstly I would like place where I can brain dump occasionally, in a relatively structured way. I often sit on circular trains of thought for months at a time without making progress, or more likely regressing. Well, the thought is that if I write things down, to the extent I do ruminate, I will at least do so less repetitively. The blog format is nice because it incentivises me to keep it neat. I started writing things down in Obsidian a while ago, but it gradually evolved from moderately interesting brain dumps to sleep deprived brain farts. The other motive for the blog is to hopefully improve my writing, and in particular writing more quickly. In my writing I tend to agonise over phrasing, and it’s to my detriment. I want to allow myself to accept a bit more slop, and getting into a regular writing cadence seems to be the sort of thing that should help.
I have no set agenda or list of topics in mind to write about. I am admittedly a dilettante. I like to comment on topics in which I have no credentials, and occasionally on ones in which I do. I’ll try to keep it light on politics for now, but beyond that, it should be pretty open. Lately I’ve been most actively thinking about issues in philosophy of mind, artificial intelligence (like everyone, I suppose), genetics and epistemology.
To kick things off, I’ll probably start copying over some Obsidian entries, or semi-cogent Twitter/Threads posts. Fingers crossed, I won’t come back here in 6 months having forgotten all about this and having it still be the only post!